Monday, November 08, 2004

this is becoming incredibly interesting..

sooo...yesterday was the hunt feis...hmmm.
and the premiere of my sexy new leg warmers...haha

i have no idea in the world how this happened, but um, i got 4th?! lol it was pretty funny...
i totally couldnt breathe, and i got so tired at the end of both reel &hornpipe...ugh! i couldn't do the little thingys, you i was a tad disappointed. but i got 4th! even though it was not my best work, i am still happy, woot! bad, bad, bad comments tho. blehhhk. i guess it comes with being retarded. ha ha. better luck next time. hopefully.

good job everyone else, perhaps we will all do better in this last feis before the big, i am pumped as ever, everrrrrr.

heart ARMers<3 we good like dat, yo. lol


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