Horgan, the Horrible.
There are not enough choice explicatives in the world to sufficiently scold these people. First of all, there are some dancers you can tell are out of their league in a competition simply by looking at them, given away by their horrendous slump of a posture, the highly suspicious inwardly angle of the feet that are so far out in the other direction it would suggest broken bones, and just the way they carry themselves....or rather, in retrospect, the way the don't. Or, rather, the utter confusion they express when they try. Not to mention the blank stupidity written across their face characterized by vacant eyes and a wide-ass, ludicrous smile that only further decribes their idiocy if you haven't already noticed before that they were an ignoramous. It is clear they have no comprehension of who they are and what they are doing there...and then you begin to wonder if they are literally retarded after they start laughing at nothing in particular and talking to themselves. And this, ladies and gentlemen, is the young man that took first today. I'm sure he freakin' pissed his pants when he heard the news, because he sure as hell has never gotten first before in his life and will likely never acheive such an honor ever again, unless he returns to this stupid feis next year. Which now brings me to my second point: THIS WAS HIS SCHOOL FEIS. As it was the school feis for ALL THE OTHER FIRST PLACE WINNERS IN PRELIMINARY. (and I don't even know about the other levels.)
I'm not even finished yet. The clever Horgan committee running the feis made absolutely fucking certain to place all their clearly inept dancers, and did not even attempt to be sneaky about it like Petri does at their feises. They claim to have done all the calculations BY HAND because of a lack of the proper computer software, which is a wide load of horse shit. These motherfuckers had already decided who they were placing, and arranged the results to comply. And then they brainlessly stuck some of the other deserving dancers at random in the lineup, exeedingly careful not to place them first. This left some qualified people out of the running altogether. For example, my own competition. There were seven dancers, three of them for the Horgan school, including this aforementioned boy, in particular. It seemed suprising to most onlookers that they had even passed for Prizewinners. And yet by some grand miracle of life, they took first, third, and fourth as well. The single deserving dancer placed took second, which falls into what I was saying before about the random interjection of some good people. I suppose this was a desperate attempt to make it appear as though it "wasn't that obvious", despite the fact it was the most conspicuous thing you have ever seen. Oh boy, and here's the best part! : they don't even give you your marks there, you have to SEND THEM THREE FUCKING DOLLARS IN AN ENVELOPE AND WAIT TWO MONTHS TO GET THIS BOGUS PIECE OF SHIT. BECAUSE THE RESULTS WERE NEVER CALCULATED. THEY WERE NOT EVEN REAL. THEY MIGHT AS WELL NOT EVEN HAVE HAD JUDGES THERE, WHAT IS THE POINT?! (It kinda reminds me of the time at a feis in like oceanside or someplace where they claimed to have "lost" the marks in the trash, and were amazingly located again many agonizing hours later, when in actuality the entire thing was staged for certain people to win.) It was out of sheer curiosity as to what my remarks would entail that I sent these motherfuckers three of my american dollars, unfortunately enough to their benefit.
We even witnessed the judges fighting right in front of everyone, apparently referring to the discrepencies regarding the top placement. And this may sound weird to you, but I was glad to see it; at least not all the judges are so easily persuaded. The whole time as I was packing my things, I was sincerely wondering how anyone could do something so disgraceful. It seemed utterly disgusting to me how some people can stoop so low. The injustice of the world ! I really cannot stand to take peoples shit any longer, especially in realation to something that I take so seriously, something that means so much to me and is such a large part of my life. It just so happens that I WANT to EARN my place, and I can NOT afford to have something like this happen to me, not now. Blasphemy ! You people should really be ashamed of yourselves, if you only knew half the shame I felt for you ! And as I was leaving the loathed premesis, I felt kinda sorry for them; the only way their students would ever place is if they fixed their own feis. And as I called myself an idiot aloud, i decided to shut up before I appeared to the world just about as crazy as that boy.
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