Oireachtas '05, reminiscing, and a never-fail opportunity to shed a tear..
There lies quite a bit of nostalgia for me in the number twelve right now. For my twelfth birthday, I became an irish dancer. And it was that moment when I first stepped though those tall barn doors that February that my world would change forever. It was, singularly, the greatest present I could have ever received; the family, the love I had never known had instantaneously appeared in front of me that day. And I was almost twelve, just a few more days, had I only the ability to even fathom almost a smidgeon of what I was getting myself into, what I had found….beauty so resilient, it would keep me alive, and keep me so.
And after a short while, I met you, Erin, my first official friend within An Rince Mor. I felt this kinda made me official, a real part of something, one of the party, like now I was invited or something …you were my first family. From that point on I looked up to you so much, being the younger family member and all, and I wasn’t entirely sure if I liked you the most because everyone else hated me, or because you were really cool (haha), but I could honestly say that if I had had the chance to single out my role model, I still would’ve picked you anyway. Your mom said once that you didn’t have any natural talent. Well if that is so, then WHO CARES?? Take a look and see where ‘no natural talent’ has brought you. I do not know another person with the same grace and talent you possess. You could take on anyone, you could take on the world! and come out on top..
People ask if we’re twins I believe because I talk about you so much and share our funny stories, heck, some that even aren’t mine… and when they finally meet you they’re thinking “oh my gosh, I’ve heard so much about you I think I know you”. Erin! What on EARTH would I do without you?! You were my friend when no one else was, when everyone else thought that I was weird and made funny faces, and that I thought I was better than everyone. And you still love me now, when I’m crazy retarded. I think I even make you crazy retarded. Because you know, if you stay on the short bus with me, we might end up driving it someday. And perhaps we’ll take Kristine and Kerri and Sarah along for the ride. I mean, we’re already rolling with these hott losers anyway, why not roll up all together now gangstas in our ghetto-as-fuck mini bus. :P
By the way, since you speak French too, I will say it: Je t’adore!
After a while, inevitability brought me to encounter the precious jewel we like to call Sarah. Somehow we ended up in the same Prizewinner class, at least I’m pretty sure it was, and the competition began (lol) or so to speak. For some reason, we felt as if we had to compete during class time for Peggy’s attention, and although I always thought you were better than me Sarah, I never showed it. However my plan to look threatening sadly backfired in my facial expression, which instead looked rather to the effect of an angry, deeply disturbed child, all of which added to the suspicions of other fellow dancers that I was completely in love with myself. The fact of the matter is, I was terribly insecure, and you all seemed ‘a part of the family’ already, I knew I just didn’t fit. You’ve helped me in ways you can only imagine, my friend, for each subsequent class I would challenge myself to get my leg a little higher, my steps a little stronger, just so I could keep up with you. And look at both of us now. We’re both fucking champions. Who would’ve guessed?! I thank you…so much for that. And I’m even more glad that the only competition is friendly competition now. I just figure that within families, there's always some sibling rivalry. I’ve always thought you were a beautiful dancer, you have something special going for you, some real natural talent. I can only hope I will see you in Open, on da flip sideee. Because I know for a fact you’ve got it in ya. If I can manage it, you most certainly can. Oh yeah, and you know I love ya, you sexy beast.
And by some weird twist of fate, a person just as weird was added to the picture. I was pretty skeptical of you, Kerri, at first glance. I was sure you would put me down right away. Nevertheless, as I got to know you over the weeks before your first Oireachtas, I began to see how hard-working and dedicated you really were for the first time. And I respected you so much after that. You are a strong dancer, and you could be so amazing if you just put your mind and your heart into it, which I know you do. You’re almost always the mature one, keeping things and us in line, and watching out for our stupid asses. At times you can be completely random and crazy, and I love ya for that. And we can rant about Dan allll day without interruption. And Heather Hanson, hahahaa. Or about how the two are the same person, or have the same stars or whatever the freak it was. But seriously. You always bring me back to earth when my head is up in the clouds, and you always help me reach the realization that things are not as bad as they seem. You are basically my most trusted confidant! When something happens, I tell you about it. And I always receive the most honest, blatant answer I can get. Not to mention, the best advice, you’re like a wise old owl, how do you see and know all? Because you tell me things before I even know them about myself haha. Or you tell Erin and I find out eventually. Anyway. I see reality through you, Kerri, when I cannot count on myself to deliver that same view even though I know I need to. I can rest assured knowing I can count on you to keep a secret, or to lean on in tough situations. Don’t ever change Kerrio, I love you just the way you are!
Finally, the lovely Kristine Kelly came into my life. And I can’t imagine now not being her friend, or going to dance or anywhere for that matter without having the time of my life and laughing our asses off together about probably nothing. Kristineeeee! My love. You light up my life. You are like the sun in my sky, without you, the world would be dark! I seriously think we are soul-friends, and even if we have founded BIG BUTTS ANONYMOUS FOR GANGSTA PIMPETTES, we always dance our butts off and you know, the bigger, the betta. and Oh my god, when you dance?! What words in the elaborate English language can I give to you?? You are a gorgeous dancer, you float as if there was no floor, and every lift and every batter is like another piece of perfection. I love to watch you show ‘em up at feises, because it’s always like ‘this is KRIStine, and THIS is how we DO’. ROFLS. You are seriously one of my best friends, and I wish I could hang out with you every day and be a part of your family, but I’ll have to settle for being your other leg and a part of the Armcrew, which is simply wonderful in itself. Do you have any idea how much you mean to me? I love ya with all of my heart, and your pain is my pain. Jon betta watch out, ‘cause he will, as Kerri says, get “ripped a new one” if he hurts you at ALL like I’m not fucking kidding. When we go to college, I will think of you every day and cry my eyes out if we’re not close. Do you remember we picked out each other’s haircolor to dye our hair when it gets grey, when we grow old together?! Ahhhhh! You mean the world to me, if there’s anything in my life I treasure, it’s you. And I treasure our time together, I don’t take one minute for granted because we don’t see each other as much anymore, and it’s pitiful. I doubt it’s anyone’s fault, it just sucks. But just know no matter what happens, no matter what directions we go, even if they’re totally opposite, you will always have at least one friend that will love you absolutely forever and would do anything at all in the entire world for you. I ADORE YOU!
So now, many years later from my twelfth year to twelfth grade, I have grown and changed, become more open with people and learned the value of family may rest in places where you least expect it. You girls, first and foremost, are the most important things in my life…for you are what makes dance what it is. Without you, dance for me would not be a love, it would merely be an ominous obsession. I thank each of you people, who are so close to my heart, for what you have given me.
and to keep up with the theme of twelve, there are twelve things I think you should know before attending this year’s 2005 Eastern Regional Oireachtas, ready?:
1) don’t worry about the crowd; do it for Peggy and make yourself proud
2) basics are key! feet out, legs crossed, remember to breathe
3) don’t practice too hard, or relax too much, mentality can get you through hard times, and such
4) fear may not take lead, for you possess true friends in your need
5) smile! it adds to a good kind of style
6) “ Irish dancing’s good for the soul, but not for the sole.”
7) “ We put the ‘rock’ in ‘Oireachtas’ ”
8) "A good dancer has the posture that can say I have presence, and you are dirt. Especially when they forget to smile."
9) This IS the Armcrew…” you know how we DO.”
10) “ What comes after part B? Part…..C?”
11) “ What comes after part D? Part EEE!” (this one makes sense!)
12) We’re gangSTARS. We roll with the hottest.
With all that being said….good luck girls. I love you guys.
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